Our very own Dr Ann Hunter has been working with Glynn Vivian Art Gallery looking at art conservation chemistry. The exhibition is on display from Wednesday 15 September 2021 - Sunday 27 February 2022, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm. More information can be found on the Glynn Vivian website.  

Using Science to Reveal the Mysteries of Art (Trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InX_-h1wMyw 

Take a virtual tour: https://www.glynnvivian.co.uk/visit/take-a-virtual-tour/

The 5th Floor laboratory was recently awarded Bronze for 2018-2019 and Silver for 2019-2020 in the Swansea University Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF). This is all due to Marcus Hull and the massive amount of work he has done for it.

Our very own Prof Steve Kelly and Dr Josie Parker have been involved in an international collaboration (led by the University of Manchester's Dr Mike Bromley) focusing on drug resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus. This research has led to a recent publication in Nature Communications.

Azole resistant A. fumigatus is on the CDC’s watchlist.

We were the UK laboratory involved in the historic Transatlantic Yeast Gene Deletion Project: Nature. 2002, 418(6896), 387-391. In this project, 5800 genes (revealed by the first eukaryote genome sequence in 1996) were systematically deleted. This has now gone through 4000 citations.  

Another recent citation landmark was our paper on the first azole antifungal drug resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus with David Denning's laboratory in Manchester University and David Stevens at Stanford University that has been cited 500 times. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 1997, 41(6), 1364-1368.